hey! i'm tired! well, i know you wont care wether i'm tired or not. :p well, yes, i know. today,our school held a cross-country! it was, enjoyable. nothing much to describe, just enjoyable :p. we started to gather on the school field early in the morning, then, having some warming up to limber up. then, go! HAHAHA (it sounds simple, but duhh! it wasn't that simple and easy process). well, as usual we walk-jog-run to the end. nothing unusual. :p but yeah, participating while having a camera hanging on my neck wasn't that comfortable. nyeh :p. then, when every participants arrived back safely to the school, we had a gather at the main hall for an award giving ceremony! it was awesome! totally insane! feels like we're in the national stadium! HAHAHA. with rhythimic claps, beats, singing. the main hall got toasted! :D video of the insanity will be uploaded to my Facebook tomorrow (hopefully). and yeah, i think thats it. bye. nah enjoy the pictures! bah kan tidur ku dulu. ngaleh geng. sangal. esuk lagi ke Gadong. baiee. :p
early in the morning. wahh! masih ada embun yo!
warming up! karang ada yang te cramp.
laju! (Y)!
laju! (Y)!
tebuat dapan camera. laju tia. HAHA :D
half way reached.
more photos! aku main compiled photos saja ahh.
tuuu. last last arah staff kana krajakan. :p
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