Saturday, January 30, 2010

consumer fairs. and super saturday!

hellloooo again! and yeah, i decided not to shut down this blog!! :) :) thanks to Zirr, fizzaahh, bel, liza, 'no' (whoever you are), iRa and harizaty for refusing the 'cold-sick-desicion' :) :) yeah, now i'll keep on blogging as usual. :) :) and yeah, as usual, it Saturday! lots of great pictures snapped. today we had CCA as usual. well, nothing much to say, only picture could describe it all. and then, we continued our lessons as usual, then, in the afternoon we had a movie session! great! we watched 'B13' (B13 U 2). great movie i had to say.
and yesterday i went to ICC for Consumer Fair. quite great. but it changed to outstandingly awesome when i meet my friends! HAHAHA. PACAH!! especially arah winter wonderland. labur sorang sorang. and yeah, ani kan ke ICC ku lagi for RTB Carnival. ni batah menunggu kawan ku ahh. zzzzzzzz. -_-
and i have a new blog header!! its strongly inspired by Google that have been verrrrry success lately. thats my hero! Google! 8) *ifeelgeek*
Consumer Fair! (Y)!
Winter Wonderland~ quite okay. but could be better.
lots of snowy mannequins (mannequins?)!! cute cute! lawa lawa!
people enjoying the Winter Wonderland. :)
*DO NOT SIT/STEP IN ON THE DISPLAY.* waiiiiit. i just did!! HAHAHAHA!!!
carrying books. me? holding the camera!! but after atu aku membawa jua kali ahh. jangan inda galat.
students of SMMn gathers! great lines! keep it up guys!

everybody streches! me? HAHAHA ;D
having some briefs. :)
CCA begins!!
basketball club. lagiiii.
keep it up junior!! and senior?? jangan bari malu uhh.
p/s. sorry for those crappy comments and captions on the photo. i just lost my sense of humour. inda ku tau ngapa.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


hello my viewer. *uhuk uhuk* sorry haven't update lately. huhh. i got sick! i dont know what, but i feel dizzy, my head feels outstandingly heavy, lost my appetite, and my body temperatu goes 38.0'C!! (my normal body temperature usually goes 36.5'C~37'C). yeah, and i feel like my viewers and readers is kinda dropping down. you know. the cBox isn't active lately, my hit counter goes only 5~10 hits lately. huhh. i think, i'm gonna shut this blog down. :'( sorry. please, to those lovely loyal readers (if i still have them), please do give me some hints to shut the blog or not -- in my cBox. :).
had a youtube session with my english teacher. :D (Y)!
kami ada session on our future studies yo. insaf lah kami sikit. sikit. :p
click for larger view. a concert on Lady Gaga!! HAHAHA *winks*
had computer extra class. (Y)!
our lovely techs. :D
you can see the whole school here!! wowza!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

macromedia flash cs3!!! (Y)!!

hey hey. well, today, we were supposed to have our Biology test. but it had been cancelled!! awww~ HAHAHAHA :D nothing much to say here. we had lessons as usual. and yeah, i just bought a new software!! Macromedia Flash CS3!! (which previously i only had Macromedia Flash MX 2004). yahh. i know i acted like a geek, excited just because of a software uhh. well, i've been wanting it for sooo long. :D well, for those of you that doesn't know whats Macromedia Flash is, its a programming software (literally). used to make games, cartoons, video editing, amazing slides (yeah, amazing!), and thousands more. :p. with this new upgraded version of Flash, my programming skill improves!! HAHA. skadar. hmm. okay thats all. i'm quite tired and FULL today! :D and awu wah. PC ku tinggal 1GB free space. how awesome. (N)
seee?? 1GB of free-space left!! duhh. i really do need an external hard disk (or a new computer!!). *sensored for some safety reasons :)*
POP MIE! pop pop pop.
ijau yo? :D

Monday, January 25, 2010

childish. :D :D

just a quick update today. well, we've got our PE lesson today. well, our teacher didn't show up today due to some courses, so, there were no teachers! which means chaotic and madness! HAHAHA. no lahh. kami main carah! yes. form five science one, students who do usually got stressed all the time, played the childish great tiring super awesome traditional game! HAHAHA siuk lahh! i'm the second last being captured :p heng ehh. siuk banar! 17 of us do participate in it (and we never know how it started at the first time). and yeah, had some rock-climbings. ye, our school has a rock-climbing (which we made it ourselves). then, played football with our collings 5Cs. then, lessons as usual. :D
and yeah, kemarin aku ke persembahan tentera polis membanteras jenayah! siukkk! maju Polis Diraja Brunei! go go go go!
police day! tu gugur urang ke Sungai Brunei. :p
yes. they do have helicopters! (Y)
bazuuukaa!!! (kidding)
today. our rock-climbing wall. :D HAHAHA.
continued lesson as usual. :)
and yeah. i've bought a new turtle! and yeah, its in pink! HAHAHAHA :D had a hard time finding this turtle. huhh.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

cross-country! sweet & sour.

hey! i'm tired! well, i know you wont care wether i'm tired or not. :p well, yes, i know. today,our school held a cross-country! it was, enjoyable. nothing much to describe, just enjoyable :p. we started to gather on the school field early in the morning, then, having some warming up to limber up. then, go! HAHAHA (it sounds simple, but duhh! it wasn't that simple and easy process). well, as usual we walk-jog-run to the end. nothing unusual. :p but yeah, participating while having a camera hanging on my neck wasn't that comfortable. nyeh :p. then, when every participants arrived back safely to the school, we had a gather at the main hall for an award giving ceremony! it was awesome! totally insane! feels like we're in the national stadium! HAHAHA. with rhythimic claps, beats, singing. the main hall got toasted! :D video of the insanity will be uploaded to my Facebook tomorrow (hopefully). and yeah, i think thats it. bye. nah enjoy the pictures! bah kan tidur ku dulu. ngaleh geng. sangal. esuk lagi ke Gadong. baiee. :p
early in the morning. wahh! masih ada embun yo!
warming up! karang ada yang te cramp.
laju! (Y)!
tebuat dapan camera. laju tia. HAHA :D
half way reached.
more photos! aku main compiled photos saja ahh.
tuuu. last last arah staff kana krajakan. :p
yeah, ada kucing lapas arah sekolah ahh. lawaaa. rasa kan masukkan dalam beg ku ahh. :p
award giving!! and as usual, aku tempat bini bini tu. :p
Aminuddin from 5A. winner for Category C (16+). bagus geng! (Y) *photo extracted from video*
pemenang bagi kategori asi asi. HAHA ;D
SMMn! thanks for the great event!
girls yang paling ku banci. :p HAHAHA (Y) kidding.
durang ada pulang classroom ni ah. inda ku tau why durang prefer sini.
eyoy! the metal guy! HAHA. lawa baju. skati nya ganya bahh.
Random Sketches. :D
p/s. apologizes to Afiq for today! taie kau. kau gay, gay.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

absolutely nothing.

hmm. today was quite normal. nothing much did happen. no great photos to capture. yeah. nothing. just browse up my previous post incase you missed some of it okay :) and yeah, i bet on Saturday it will be a great post, since our school held a cross-country on that day!! yippee!! interesting!! HAHAHA. be make sure not to miss the update okay :D. bah bye. kan main CS ku lagi sama geng ku. (Y)!
had a short assemble. regarding the cross-country. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

going to PTE Katok!

hey hey viewers! sorry for this very late update (again). well, i fell asleep just now. :p HAHAHA. yeah, today i had no lessons in my school at all. 4 of my friends and i went to Pusat Tingkatan Enam Katok for a dialog session. well, it was just a talk between us the selected students of every government school with the Prime Minister of Education Brunei. hmm. and yeah, the part i hate the most is, it was a formal event! HAHAHA :D but as the time goes by, it turned out great! and we representative from SMMn got a chance to tour around the institute with our tour guider by one of my former senior :). yeah PTE Katok was hell awesome. the school built with a great modern stunning design. and the environment doesn't feel Bruneian-like. :p hmm. okay. i'm kinda sleepy now, so, gonna head to my bed now. and sorry for lack of photos at the PTEK. si fizzah mrungut kan balik awal ahh. so nada gambar gambar lahh. so, blame her. HAHAHA :p nada deyh.
nahh. kebasaran duduk sambil makan. urang lain bediri. hish!
our Prime Minister of Education :) (Y)!
time boring boring arah hall ahh. :p
leaving PTEK! so long! see you next year! HAHAHA :D