Tuesday, May 26, 2009

school trip to ICT carnival

hey guys~ well, today we have a school trip to 'ICT Carnival' or 'Inforama Carnival' or what ever they call it =) it was quite a biiit boring pasal they doesn't display much things and some of the booth tenders isn't that friendly though.. but towards the end, we were having fun because we have a chance to show our short film on our booth :D we were so proud and happy because most of the students found that our video was great and the most important part is they enjoyed it :) now here's some of the picture i uploaded for you all..
having refreshment.. aku nada ampit nasi, yatah mengambar ja kraja ku hehe..
waittingg for the bus~
eseh~ kontrol jua..
friends+boring+nadakandibuat+camera = FRIENDSHIP STAR!!!!
finally, bus arrival!!
ahhh~ sapa kan ne? kenal kamu ka? aku nada e.. *wink*
ui afiq, atu kan menangis muha mu a.. n hadi, bahapa kau??
arrived!! c'noi atu na pandai branti makan.. *wink*
apa lagi kan kamu laha-laha atu??
macam si banar~ tarang-tarang check facebook :p
adeyh~ nada lagi bekarap mata a..
eseh~ hmm.. no komen..
tanx :)
ehee.. that's all pictures i'll upload for today.. and sorry for didn't upload more picture on the carnival.. the lighting inside the SMR hall wasn't really cooperating with my camera.. all of the pictures were dark as you seen on the pictures above (except for some that had been adjusted by photoshop :D)

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